Thursday, January 1, 2015

So today, I met someone who works at the EPA of the state of New Hampshire. I was able to ask her a lot of questions, and I got a lot of answers! Here are my notes:

1976: EPA was created by President Nixon because people were freaking out about sulfur dioxide emissions in the air (a product of combustion created when you burn coal or gas) that create acid rain. 

The government can help fix this problem in any way they can by regulating carbon emissions. 

Mercury was from coal burning and it affected fish . Mercury is a bio-accumulative toxin and it has really affected the fish. It is created from coal burning in coal plants. Small fish eat the sediments that go into the water, and then it is passed up the food chain, up to the big fish (tuna, swordfish) and then to the top of the food chain: us. Mercury can affect your brain and make you crazy. They used to use mercury in felt hats, which did make people become insane. This is where the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from! So the point is, don't eat a lot of big fish. 

Its not even "global warming" anymore, it's climate change, because the entire planet is changing, not just warming. The jet stream has also shifted and the arctic is melting, so animals are losing their habitats. 

"I think we are [past the point of no return]. It's all greed and money."

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