Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Ways to Save The Environment

Here are some other tips to save money, time, and the environment. I know, it's a bit old, but I got these tips from the October 2007 issue of Nat Geo Kids:
  • Carpool or use public transportation. Alot. When you carpool, you don't save time much, but you do save ALOT of money. You don't have to buy gas as much if you are carpooling in a friends' or colleague's car (or if you are riding on a bus). You don't pollute as much because two people are driving. Even better, ride your bicycle to places. Bicycles don't pollute AT ALL, and plus, you get to exercise and get some fresh air while doing it.
  • While buying food, choose the locally grown ones as much as you can. When you buy foods made in far-away places- for example, buying oranges from 300 miles away when you live in Florida- the products have to travel long distances, wasting CO2.
  • Instead of sending paper cards whenever there is a birthday, graduation, anniversary, you name it, send e-cards instead. Some of these cards are totally free, which saves lots of money... and it helps the environment too!
  • "Adopt" an endangered animal. You can do this through charities like the World Wildlife Fund ( When you do this, you ensure that that animal has someone taking care of it. That's a very good thing to do for the environment. Also, you can donate to charities life the World Wildlife Fund.
    That's all for today. Oh, and another thing to do-- share these tips with people you know!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saving Electricity, Time, and Money in Daily Life

I'm going to start talking more about how you can reduce your carbon footprint in daily life. Whenever I find more ways to reduce, I'll write them in a new post.
  • Obviously, you should always use fluorescent light bulbs. Instead of the regular shape of a light bulb, it is in a twisty shape. It is good for the environment- it lasts MUCH longer for them to die out than incandescent light bulbs. They save you time (much less time spent going to the supermarket to buy bulbs), money (you don't buy bulbs all the time), and, of course, energy, helping the environment.
  • THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT- but use an EZ-PASS if you drive regularly through tollbooths. They save you time (no waiting in lines to pay money), money (though initially you have to buy an EZ-PASS, many tollbooths offer discounts to people with them, and, even of they don't, you save money on gas while not waiting in line), and they save gas itself (no waiting in lines with an idle engine), thus helping the environment.
That's all for now. I'll keep writing!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Disgraceful Information

Hi everybody, here is a shocking article that I found Yahoo News-- the Heartland Institute in Chicago, Illinois is making "educational" programs saying that global warming is an act of nature! Can you believe it? The information is totally wrong an utterly unscientific. For one thing, even though nature produces as much CO2 as humans, that does NOT mean that nature is doing this by herself. There is a delicate balance to nature and we are ruining that balance. Here is the link:;_ylc=X3oDMTNsamdpcGI1BF9TAzk3NDkwNzkyBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBHBrZwMzYjA3ZTFiZS02YjU5LTMwMDAtOWExMy1lZjQ3YTliMzMwNjYEc2VjA21pdF9zaGFyZQRzbGsDbWFpbAR0ZXN0Aw--;_ylv=3
Right whether or not you agree with this in the Comments section. I'd really like to get other people's ideas about this. Thanks!

P.S. Under the post "Politicians" is a comment from reginas. There is a link on it:
You should also look at this link. I hope our president and future presidents help STOP GLOBAL WARMING ONCE AND FOR ALL.