Friday, February 17, 2012

Disgraceful Information

Hi everybody, here is a shocking article that I found Yahoo News-- the Heartland Institute in Chicago, Illinois is making "educational" programs saying that global warming is an act of nature! Can you believe it? The information is totally wrong an utterly unscientific. For one thing, even though nature produces as much CO2 as humans, that does NOT mean that nature is doing this by herself. There is a delicate balance to nature and we are ruining that balance. Here is the link:;_ylc=X3oDMTNsamdpcGI1BF9TAzk3NDkwNzkyBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBHBrZwMzYjA3ZTFiZS02YjU5LTMwMDAtOWExMy1lZjQ3YTliMzMwNjYEc2VjA21pdF9zaGFyZQRzbGsDbWFpbAR0ZXN0Aw--;_ylv=3
Right whether or not you agree with this in the Comments section. I'd really like to get other people's ideas about this. Thanks!

P.S. Under the post "Politicians" is a comment from reginas. There is a link on it:
You should also look at this link. I hope our president and future presidents help STOP GLOBAL WARMING ONCE AND FOR ALL.

1 comment:

  1. Thats pathetic. Sorry. Why would they say that? It makes no sense and i would NEVER, EVER, BELIEVE that article. hmph. no sense. just makes no sense....
    (craziest person in class if you dont know who...)
