Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Things

Here is one more tip to add to all of the other "eco-tips" I have:
  • Solar Panels. If you have a house (not an apartment building), I TOTALLY encourage you to put install solar panels on the roof of your house, so that the sun generates your electricity. True, it costs some money to buy them initially, but it saves a lot of money when you stop getting those monthly electric bills in the mail.
And, here's a wonderful video from MSN about one man working to take photographs of every species against a black and white background to raise awareness about these animals. You know, animals are part of global warming too. They don't cause it, of course, but they are all part of the food chain. If one species becomes extinct because their environment is being destroyed by humans, its like a domino effect; more and more animals become extinct or have to change dramatically in a short amount if time to adapt to their shrinking habitat. It's just not right.
Anyway, here is the link to the video: 
Stay tuned!

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