Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hello everyone, I've found this important article in The Economist about the Arctic. Here's the link; read it and learn!
One of the most important things that I read in this article is:
 "if the level of carbon dioxide, methane and so on in the atmosphere continues to rise, then the Arctic Ocean will be free of floating summer ice by the end of the century. At current rates of shrinkage, by contrast, this looks likely to happen some time between 2020 and 2050."
 2020 is only 9 years away!!!! Can we stop this in time? how will this affect the rest of the world?? i hope that we can play a part in stopping, then reversing this disaster. And just think of all the poor polar bears!! :(

P.S. remember to take the survey!!!

1 comment:

  1. i would like to contribute to this group by giving the idea to use solar panels to generate electricity. :)
    --Yasemin's dad
